Wow! Thanks for sharing. I'm Aussie so it was really interesting reading about the political systems of the US and Canada. I can't believe that electors don't vote for their Senate and that they serve until 75! That's crazy. So if the governor-general chooses a senator who is 50, they will serve for 25 years? Ours is more similar to the US where we vote for senators who serve for 6 years, except they are on rotation so half are up for re-election every 3 years.
Though I will say, like Canada, we don't directly vote for the PM. However, we indirectly vote for the PM because we vote for their party. By voting for the voting for the party, we are essentially saying we want the leader to be PM. As I understand it, the president in the US has overacrching power right?That's why it is important to vote directly for them. the PM has different, lesser powers in comparison to the president, which is why it doesn't matter if Canada doesn't directly vote for them